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Local Expert Blog: The Perfect Birthday Gift

Saturday June 5th, 2021, 11:00am


You know the feeling, you get that Facebook invite, text, or invitation in the mail for another birthday party and you think, “didn’t we just celebrate a birthday last week.” That’s the funny thing about birthday’s, pal. They happen often.

Gift giving, unlike birthday party attendance, can be a hassle. For kids, is it another toy? For adults, another bottle of wine? (Yes, please.) Both options are great, but not very original.

So, let’s dive into a gift that’s not only unique but something everyone at the party will enjoy.

Go down in history as the best gift giver.

If you want to be the favourite at the party (sorry in advance to the person you’re supposed to be celebrating), you need to think outside the box. The gift box, that is! That being said, you need to think of something that rarely disappoints and always puts a smile on everyone’s face.

The answer is food.

More specifically, delicious treats. And not just any treats, but the kind of treats you only get every so often.

Candy Floss Machine

The only time most of us get to indulge in candy floss is at a carnival, so you’re definitely going to stand out with this one!

Make it COVID-friendly: Get some cute candy bags with a little twist tie so you can prepackage your cotton candy.

Snow Cone Machine

Snow cones on a hot summer day are cherry on a sundae – the perfect way to top it all off.

Make it COVID-friendly: Use disposable cups and reuse a take-out tray to hand them out to your guests.

Popcorn Popper

Who can say no to popcorn? Hardly anyone, especially when it tastes like movie theatre popcorn. You know what we’re talking about – buttery goodness!

Make it COVID-friendly: Your machine will come with popcorn baggies. Fill them just enough so you still have some room to tape the opening shut.

Note: When it comes to how much you should order, order enough for you max number of guests. Don’t fret too much over this as it will be discussed at the time of booking your machine.

The best thing about renting a treat machine is that it is perfect for drive-by birthdays. Since we can’t celebrate like we normally do, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate at all. Now is the time to get a little creative and make the birthday person feel extra special.

Sponsored story by Festival. To learn more, follow them on FacebookTwitterLinkedInor visit their website. Kick it old school by giving them a call at 519-737-9200.

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