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Windsor Essex

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Insiders Guide: Five Must Do’s In Windsor Essex For The Holidays

Saturday December 19th, 2020, 11:00am


We think it goes without saying that everyone is looking forward to a bit of down time this holiday season as 2020 nears a close.  And though things look different this year, it doesn’t mean that we can’t find a few ways to enjoy the last few weeks of the year. We’ve put together five great ways to enjoy the last half of December and get ready for a new year to arrive.

Shop Local for Last Minute Gifts & Stocking Stuffers

Our local retailers and small businesses still need our support! Many are offering virtual shopping experiences, curbside pickup or local delivery and shipping to help you find the perfect little something even when we can’t be in-store shopping!  So make that list and check it twice and then let our local makers, artisans, and retailer help you make some spirits bright! Why not think ahead! Gift cards for future services like haircuts, manicures, massages and fitness classes are also great ways to support our local businesses and show someone (or yourself!) that you care. If you are stumped for ideas, let us help with our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide! 

Take in some Local Lights

Grab the family and some hot cocoa and hop in the car to cruise the streets! Check out the newly imagined Bright Lights Windsor – Citywide where the much-loved light displays that once illuminated Jackson Park have been redistributed across the city to bring joy to our neighbourhoods!  Download the map of light locations and cruise through the City’s Business Districts to see how they’ve decorated for the holidays this year! Plus we’ve got a great Holiday Lights Guide which lists where you can find some bright lights across Windsor Essex streets, parks and more.  Download the maps and games to make a light cruise your family’s new favourite holiday activity!

Order In for Movie Night

One of our favourite traditions is Holiday Movie Night with a mix of the classics, cartoons and the new mushy rom-coms.  It’s the perfect excuse to call up your favourite restaurant(s) and order up some take out! Use our handy Take Out & Delivery guide to plan your festive feast!   While we are on the subject of cooking (or rather not cooking) take a gander at our Holiday Dinner & Catering Guide where our local restaurants, chefs and caterers offer up both family-based and individually packaged holiday meals to save you the trouble and to pretty much guarantee that you’ll love your holiday meal.  With options for heat & serve, brunch, dinner and more you’ll happily volunteer to do the dishes year!

Go Virtual

Normally the calendar around the holidays is full of parties and to-do’s but this year ….. not so much.  Don’t dismay! If you are looking for something fun to pass the time, make sure to visit our Virtual Events Guide which has plenty of ways to feel festive from the safety of your home.  Grab a spot on the sofa and settle in for a night of virtual music – from the Town of Essex’s Tune Up the Parks to The 12 Days of Christmas put on by The Bank Theatre – you will certainly be entertained! Or if you’re looking for something hands-on, grab your art supplies and book a spot in one of the virtual Paint classes – great for both adults and kids – and learn some new skills.  Keep checking back for new things as they are added – like virtual date nights at the Art Gallery of Windsor!

Explore the outdoors

Even in cooler weather, bundling up for a walk on one of our trails or through the neighbourhood can be fresh and fun for the whole family.  And lucky for us we have some great spots across Essex County to explore! DYK that the Chrysler Canada Greenway and Cypher Systems Trail combined are over 76 kilometres of nature trail which comprises the southernmost link of the Trans Canada Trail?  Great for biking, hiking, birding, cross country skiing and more, this nature trail is just one of many outdoor spaces that are just waiting for you to explore! Stroll along the waterfront in most of our municipalities and enjoy the fresh air – you may just make room for a few more holiday treats!

So even though holiday traditions may be put on hold this year, there is plenty of ways to still enjoy these last few weeks of the year either with your family or on your own.  And who knows – some new traditions may just be around the bend!

Sponsored by Tourism Windsor Essex. For more details on Tourism Windsor Essex click their website, or visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

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