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Local Expert Blog: Shred For The Holidays

Saturday November 21st, 2020, 11:00am


When it comes to your personal information, it’s essential to do your best to dispose of any paper documents or products properly. Shipping labels, receipts, bills, report cards, and other such items should never be thrown in the trash or recycling bin.

Instead, any documents containing your name, address, phone number, birthday, SIN number, or other sensitive information need to be put through a paper shredder.

Now, if you are someone who shreds at home and is looking for ways to reuse your shred*, here are some ways to put it to good use!

*Note: be sure your shredder has done its job well. Take a moment to ensure your information is indecipherable. 


A personalized gift

For those of you who love arts and crafts (or have little ones at home), you could use your paper shred for paper maché. Though newsprint is commonly used for this sort of craft, it never hurts to experiment with other types of shredded paper. Either way, you could try your hand at making homemade ornaments for your loved ones this holiday season.

Another fun activity, if you’re up for it, is making your own paper. When you’re done, you can use it to create personalized holiday cards for your friends and family.

A little extra stuffing

The holidays are known for gift giving. Many of us spend hours painstakingly wrapping gifts to look just right. So, what do you do when your gift box or bag is too big? Use your shredded paper as extra stuffing to fill the gaps.

It will also make excellent packing material for any gifts sent through the post! Now you won’t have to use those pesky packing peanuts that stick to everything, and it’s eco-friendly!

“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.”

For those of you with a natural fireplace in their homes, you can use your shredded paper as a fire starter. Get those flames going, put on your favourite Christmas movie, and cozy up!

Keep decorations protected

Speaking of ornaments, how often have you found yourself putting your holiday decorations away and needing some extra cushion to keep your keepsakes safe? Use your shredded paper to protect fragile ornaments. Problem solved.

For those who do not have a paper shredder at home, you can always have someone else take care of it. Bring in your “to be shred pile” to First Stop Services, and they will happily receive items to shred in just about every type of container.

Sponsored story by First Stop Services. Visit their FacebookLinkedIn, or website. Reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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