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2020 Holiday Gift Guide: Buy Local For Your Co-workers

Saturday November 14th, 2020, 11:00am


Rock the Office Gift Exchange!

Most people in this world spend the majority of their time at the office or interacting with office colleagues.  Even though many have been working from home this year, we still want to make sure our office mates know how much we appreciate them.

Looking to be “that person” in the office that always seems to find the best gifts for the office holiday exchange? Our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide features an array of locally produced items and gift ideas from small businesses that may just give you the edge on buying the best gifts this year! Plus you’re giving something unique – something original – by supporting local business, and helping build up entrepreneurs – keeping dollars in our own community!

The “Treat Yo’ Self”er

There is always someone in the office who stocks their desk with jars of fresh candy, or who brings in homebaked cookies to celebrate Monday! If there is a lover of sweet treats in your workplace, why not cure that sugar craving with a box of handmade chocolates from Walkers Fine Candies.  Someone Gluten-Free in the office? Or trying out the Keto diet? Well have no fear, Forgot the Flour will save the day with one of their cheesecakes that can be crafted keeping dietary needs in mind.

The Thermostat Monitor

In every office, there’s always someone who’s always cold! It could be in the dead heat of summer and they are still sporting a cardigan at their desk and asking to lower the AC.  Give them the gift of a #YQG crewneck sweatshirt from Southwest Shores to keep at their workstation and be cozy all year through.  A hot bath at the end of a long work day with a selection of bath & body goodies from Bella’s Blissful Body Treats is a great way for your coworker to relax and recharge.

Caffeine Connoisseur

Does your boss love a cold brew?  Is the receptionist a collector of unique mugs? There is always someone in the office who is looking forward to their next cuppa Joe or spot of tea! Fear not! Pick up a 6-pack of delicious cold brew from 30mL Coffee Co. and you’ll be their new favourite in no time.  Make sure to pick up one of the beautifully designed and crafted mugs from River Rock Pottery as your contribution to the gift exchange.  Enjoying a nice cup of their preferred hot beverage in a fancy new mug is the perfect way to beat the 3pm blues.

Looking for more ways to Support Small?

You can’t go wrong with any of these ideas from the Small Business Centre that will leave any coffee-lover equally over-caffeinated and over-joyed!

For The Coffee Lover:

I Luv Coffee Roasters Gord’s Chai Latte Mix $11 | Red Lantern Coffee Co. Colombian Las Mantanas Huila – Medium Roast $15 | Chance Coffee Heart Eyes Monthly Subscription $40 | Green Bean Cafe Green Bean Coffee $15 | Anchor Coffee Anchor Keep Cup $28

So no matter if it’s a Kris Kringle, the traditional Secret Santa or the much loved White Elephant gift exchange, you’ll find many great ideas in our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide that will leave everyone in the office anxiously awaiting next year!



Published by Tourism Windsor Essex on Wednesday November 11th, 2020

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