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Local Expert Blog: Today’s Homeschool Lesson Plan – What To Shred

Saturday October 17th, 2020, 11:00am


While most places are going digital (medical offices, financial services, etc.), that doesn’t mean you no longer need your paper shredder. In fact, you may need it more than ever. With people so focused on their online safety, they may believe that paper documents are no longer sought after by criminals.

Wrong. Very wrong.

Fraudsters will take any and every opportunity to get their hands on your private information. So, in the fight to keep prying eyes away, let’s take the time to not only reacquaint ourselves but our children with the importance of shredding.

To teach is to protect!

We aren’t here to scare you, but it is incredibly important to know that identity theft isn’t just an adult problem. Children are a prime target for identity thieves as most people under 18 are not actively applying for credit or monitoring it. Essentially, it makes them easy prey.

So, if you are looking for any additional homeschool activities, why not teach your kids what to shred! (Feel free to adjust based on their learning level.)

Have them go around the house and look for the following:

  • Envelopes and junk mail
  • Magazines with your mailing address
  • Medication bottles (please make sure they are old enough to be handling this)
  • Old report cards, assignments, field trip or school forms, party invitations

Have them point out what is considered personal information:

  • Full names, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates
  • Banking information: SIN, credit cards, etc. (if they are old enough to understand)


Here are a couple extras to help you add to the above activities:

Teaching Your Child About Fraud

Lesson Plans: Scams and Identity Theft

All and anything containing personal information cannot be thrown into the trash, even if you rip the papers apart. You are always better off shredding these documents. Show them where you keep your “to be shred” pile. Then, take them with you when you drop them off to be shredded. Making them a part of the process is one way they can learn how important it is.

If they are old enough, show them how to shred the papers in your home shredder.

Sponsored story by First Stop Services. Visit their FacebookLinkedIn, or website. Reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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