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Local Expert Blog: Secure Those Docs!

Saturday September 19th, 2020, 11:00am


Long gone are the days of keeping a security box at the bank. In fact, long gone are the days of keeping physical copies of documents. Well, mostly anyway.

In the age of technology, we often fill out and keep important documents on our computers and smartphones. While a huge convenience, it’s made people a little sloppy when it comes to ensuring that physical copies exist when necessary and that they are safe from prying eyes.

Sure, a home or office safe works wonders. However, if you don’t have space or worry, it isn’t safe enough, you could always take advantage of document management.

First Stop Services (FSS) is one local document management provider that is committed to keeping the people of Windsor and Essex County safe and organized. Here is their take on how their process works.

What kind of documents should you be securing? 

  • Personal records
  • Financial documents
  • Corporate or client files (especially for those of you now working from home)
  • Medical or legal

How it works: 

Step One: Prepare your documents

Ensure you hold your documents in banker boxes (if you don’t have one on hand, there are plenty available for purchase at FSS). In doing so, not only are your documents organized in a manner that suits you best, but they don’t require someone else to place them in the box for you. Think of it as another level of security.

Step Two: Label them 

When it comes to your documents, organization should be second on your list, right after safety and security. All boxes are required to be clearly labelled and numbered. Your boxes will then be given individualized bar code labels.

Step Three: Store them 

Your boxes are now ready to be scanned into a state-of-the-art document management software.

Step Four: Forget them

One of the biggest hassles of managing important documents containing sensitive information is knowing when it is safe to shred them. By using a document management service, you no longer have to keep track. Now you will automatically receive a list of documents that are ready to be shred. Once you have approved and verified the destruction list, your files will be securely destroyed within 48 hours.

Remember, your documents are a valuable asset and should be stored securely. Always do your due diligence when you involve an outside service to help manage your document storage to ensure security, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, it never hurts to look for companies that are members in good standing with i-SIGMA, PRISM, or NAID, which indicate a company’s dedication to data destruction and records and information management.

Sponsored story by First Stop Services. Visit their FacebookLinkedIn, or website. Reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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