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Local Expert Blog: Keeping It Outside

Saturday September 5th, 2020, 11:00am


As temperatures start to drop, businesses (or backyard-party-throwing homeowners) will want to keep people as comfortable as possible to extend the life of their outdoor space.

We have seen some excellent ideas over the years ranging from free warm drinks or snacks to logos on complimentary cold-weather gear (hats, scarves, gloves, and so on).

But wait, it doesn’t have to stop there. If you are looking for more ideas, let us break it down for you further!

For Restaurant Use:

If there is one thing people collectively agree on when it comes to going out in the summer it’s that there is nothing like a good restaurant or bar patio.

Of course, with the way things worked out this year, having a patio space has been more critical than ever. Comfy chairs, sturdy tables, and a shady tent or umbrella have been the staples of this season’s “going out” requirements.

However, businesses may want to consider a few other items to keep their guests comfortable as fall approaches.

For instance, stringed lights and candles help with ambiance, outdoor heaters will keep guests from shivering through their meals, and a portable speaker can stand in when live music isn’t an option.

For Corporate Use: 

Ok, so you’re not a restaurant, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a heater, for instance. If your company uses tents to help promote social distancing practices during break and lunchtimes, setting up a heater helps keep your employees from crowding indoor spaces.

Bonus Idea: Besides coffee and tea, fill insulated beverage dispensers with hot chocolate. Not only will it keep people feeling toasty, it plays up those fall vibes while also acting as a treat. Nothing makes people happier and more productive than showing them you are.

For Homeowner Use:

Speaking of heaters, they are also a great addition to any outdoor party. If you are thinking of inviting your social bubble over for an evening get together outside, do your best to keep them warm.

(P.S. Lights, warm drinks and snacks, candles, and music would be a great addition here, too!)

Whatever your industry and however you decide to end your season, people will always appreciate a well-thought-out outdoor space.

Sponsored story by Festival. To learn more, follow them on FacebookTwitterLinkedInor visit their website. Kick it old school by giving them a call at 519-737-9200.

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