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Colour From Home With YQG Artists

Saturday May 9th, 2020, 11:00am


Looking for a little colour in your life? Well, with Spring in full bloom, there is so much beauty all around – in the flowers in bloom, colourful neighbourhood murals, outdoor art installations and even on social media!

Stay Home and Colour

As you likely know by now, Windsor Essex is home to some talented local artists a few of whom have been organized together by @stayhomekevin to provide the creative outlet many are looking for right now while staying home and staying safe.  This collective colouring activity is another way to stay connected to each other while we maintain our distance.

Here’s how it works! Screenshot the blank colouring page from @stayhomekevin‘s daily Instagram story, colour using the tools in Instagram story mode, tag the artist, @stayhomekevin and that day’s generous sponsor (if applicable).  Some days you even have a chance to win prizes from the daily sponsor which you can claim or you can pay it forward by gifting the prize to someone you know in the Windsor area which still makes it fun if you are playing out of town.

Download Colouring Sheets Here

Angela Cecile  IG: @angelacecilestudio

David Creed IG: @dcreedart

Christy Lister  IG:

Julie Robinson  IG@juliespaintparty

Make sure to follow @stayhomekevin and stay tuned for new featured artists, sponsors and prizes.  Sit back, put your feet up, stay safe and Stay Home & Colour!

Explore Local Outdoor Art

With the weather (hopefully) taking a turn for the warmer, why not spend the next sunny day checking out some of the amazing local art installations we have here in Windsor Essex.  Safely explore some of our local art areas – always ensuring to maintain 2m of distance between yourself and others not in your household.

Maiden Lane

A public art project called Free 4 Walls is turning downtown alleys into outdoor galleries. The alley between Ouellete and Pelissier Sts, from Maiden Lane to Wyandotte has had some of the top names in street art spray their artistry here. Wild fonts, eruptions of colour, psychedelic or abstract, surreal or pop art, the backstreet dances with paint and creativity, sometimes two storeys high.

Windsor Sculpture Park

You can check out the Windsor Sculpture Park along the riverfront, a two and a half kilometre stretch of the Windsor waterfront garden has electrified the arts scene and tourists alike.

LaSalle Bell Boxes

The Town of LaSalle showcases many local artists in the area by allowing them to display their work for the community to enjoy. From local neighbourhood murals to mosaic and river-dance murals the Town of LaSalle is bright and vibrant.

Essex Murals

From explosions to inventions, the town of Essex has faced many challenges and triumphs and their inventory of outdoor murals tell the story of their history and can be found throughout Essex Centre and Harrow.

Check out the Galleries Without Walls throughout our region – check out WIFF Alley, spot the monarch mural in Leamington, the painted fire hydrants in Amherstburg or one of the many the murals in some of our historic neighbourhoods like Olde Sandwich Towne, Olde Riverside, Walkerville and Ford City.

After you’ve spent some time at home colouring, take a few hours outdoors walking or taking a drive as a great way to ignite those creative juices while still practicing safe social distancing.  We have so much to see and explore in Windsor Essex!

Originally published on Tuesday May 5th, 2020 by Tourism Windsor Essex.

To read more blogs from Tourism Windsor Essex click here.

Sponsored by Tourism Windsor Essex. For more details on Tourism Windsor Essex click their website, or visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.



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