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Local Expert Blog: How To Keep Jack Frost Out Of The Office!

Saturday January 4th, 2020, 11:00am


The winter months are full of festivities, friends, family, and cheer. Unfortunately, what they’re also full of is snow, ice, and freezing rain.

As a business owner, you may find your commercial space struggling to combat the winter chill. As a result, you find your team members shivering and turning blue! Okay, that may be a little dramatic, but no one likes to be cold.

Here are 4 ways to keep you and your team a little warmer this winter:

  1. Rugs

Whether or not the flooring in your work space is carpet, adding a rug or two not only adds a cozy feeling, but helps prevent the cold from seeping into your feet. If there is one thing that people unanimously hate, it is cold feet!

  1. Serve hot drinks

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, you name it! Your team will appreciate the extra thought you put into making sure they not only are warm, but that they get a delicious treat, too (donuts welcomed, just saying).

  1. Branded Gear

Perhaps a Christmas present to your staff this year can be sweaters with your logo on it! Depending on whether your staff requires a uniform or not, handing out winter gear to keep them warm in the office is always appreciated.

What not to do: use space heaters.

You may be tempted to add a little more heat to your space by using a space heater, but this is not recommended. Considered a fire hazard, space heaters should not be used unless there is an emergency (refer to the film The Day After Tomorrow). If you do use one, you will need added coverage through your insurance.

Sponsored story by Lessor Limited. Founded in 1962, Lessor Ltd is a family owned and operated company dedicated to serving the people of Windsor and Essex County. Find them online on Facebook, or reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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