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Local Expert Blog: Silver And Gold With A Little More Green

Saturday December 21st, 2019, 11:00am


You’ve heard the timeless carol Silver and Gold, but what about green? No, we aren’t just referring to your Christmas tree. Add some more green to your holiday by saving paper!

One part of the holidays that always seems to use up the most paper is gift giving. Here are four creative ways to cut down on paper waste this Christmas:

  1. Use reusable bags.

Instead of buying more holiday themed gift bags, use reusable bags to put your gifts in. Not only does this save paper, but it is a gift in itself!

P.S. Don’t be afraid to reuse last year’s gift bags or boxes. We all have that closet in the house stock full of used Christmas themed bags that are patiently waiting to be used once again. So, use them!

  1. Make your own gift bag.

This one is for the craft kings and queens who are ready to tap into the season of giving. Use up that extra fabric you have lying around the house and pull out your sewing machine – we are making gift bags! Save paper and make your gift more sentimental by giving a handmade gift that everyone will remember.

  1. Wrap gifts in scrap paper.

Some of you may remember your grandmother using old newspapers or magazines as wrapping paper. Sure, it wasn’t exactly festive, but it served its purpose. Now, if old reading material isn’t your thing, use up some scrap paper by painting or drawing your own holiday scene.

  1. Send E-Cards.

Let’s be honest, Christmas cards just get thrown into a spare junk drawer or random box of miscellaneous Christmas items. Save money and paper by sending e-cards to your family and friends. For anyone who is beyond receiving e-cards (shout out to great-grandparents), feel free to still send a Christmas card via snail mail.

Sponsored story by First Stop Services. Visit their Facebook page, website, or reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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