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Local Expert Blog: Small But Mighty

Saturday October 12th, 2019, 11:00am


Not everyone needs or wants a large office or workspace, especially when they are a one person show. While some may think a larger space is more revered and sought-after, there are plenty of perks that come along with a smaller space.

  1. No room for clutter here.
    Moving into a smaller space allows you to purge all the unnecessary furniture, supplies, and equipment you know you haven’t been using. Once you’ve ditched all the extras you know you won’t be needing, make smart storage solutions to make your new space less congested and cluttered. After all, small spaces can fill up quickly.
  2. Light it up.
    Whether it is natural light or overhead lighting, a well-lit room makes a huge difference in productivity. If the lighting is poor in a smaller space, it can make it feel closed in and, frankly, claustrophobic for many people. So, open the windows and let that natural light shine in! If you don’t have as many windows as you’d hope, try installing some L.E.D lights to give the illusion of that bright, natural light you are missing.
  3. Smaller decorating bill.
    Everyone wants a space they can call their own, but not all our interior design dreams are budget-friendly. However, with a small space, redecorating is simpler and more affordable. For instance, instead of spending thousands on multiple pieces of furniture to not only fill a large space but to make it cozy, you will only need a few pieces to create the look and feel you want. On the plus side, you’ll have some cash leftover!
  4. Less clean up.
    Put simply, a smaller space means less cleanup. Think about it: the bigger the space, the longer it takes to clean it, organize it, and tidy it. Not to mention, it is easier to hold off cleaning a larger space because the mess doesn’t hit you like it would in a smaller space. No one wants to spend hours cleaning, especially when it comes to your workspace. So, be thankful for your little slice of work heaven.

Sponsored story by Lessor Limited. Founded in 1962, Lessor Ltd is a family owned and operated company dedicated to serving the people of Windsor and Essex County. Find them online on Twitter or Facebook, or reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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