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Local Expert Blog: I’m Not A Robot

Saturday October 26th, 2019, 11:00am


I’m Not a Robot

While technology makes a lot of work-related tasks simpler (email, video conferencing, social media, etc.), it also requires us to spend more time at our computers, phones, and tablets. The upside, technology has allowed social interactions to operate at the speed and scale of the internet. The downside, less face-to-face time (not including online video chats).

Understanding how we spend our time is always best shown in numbers. The average worker spends an estimated 28 per cent of the workweek managing email and nearly 20 per cent looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help them with a particular task. Our dependency on technology has left us feeling lost without an internet connection and believe it is an essential part of everyday life.

While technology helps businesses thrive in a variety of ways, so does talking face-to-face to your business partner, colleagues, and employees. Phone calls are even seeing a dive as only 75 per cent of smartphone users consider phone calls important while 92 per cent consider web browsing to be important.

So, what can we begin doing to make a difference in our work environment to encourage more human interaction that isn’t through a screen? Take your meetings off company grounds.

Engage, Engage.

Finding locations that give you more than one option, like sitting at a table in a crowded dining room or coffee shop, can be hard to come by. Places giving you the option of something more private or something more open and social are ideal.

Let’s break it down:

  1. Feeling distracted by all the noise? Try the seclusion of a boardroom.
  2. Sick of all that artificial light?Try an umbrellaed table on a waterfront patio.
  3. Need to wine and dine a client? Try a table for two with a view in a dining room.

We are lucky that at The Windsor Club, where we have all three backdrops that allow us to continuously witness relationships blossom when people who typically communicate over email or phone sit down face-to-face. In fact, we would go so far as to say, we recommend a daily dose of face-to-face for not only better relationships, but better decision making, clarity, and focus.

Sponsored story by The Windsor Club, an inspiring backdrop to spark new connections, collaborate with others, foster existing relationships, and leave an impression. Follow them on FacebookInstagram, and Linkedin or visit their website.

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