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Your Autumn Apple Picking Guide In Windsor Essex

Saturday September 7th, 2019, 11:00am



You may have noticed that days are getting a bit shorter and nights cooler but the weather is just perfect to head into the nearest orchard or field and pick your favourite local produce.


With the arrival of Fall comes a variety of local produce to choose from and apples are one of our favourites!! Mustu? Red Delicious? Royal Gala?  Apple picking is an annual ritual for many families in Windsor Essex so make sure to check out some of the 7 spectacular Pick Your Own orchards listed below and dig out Granny’s apple pie recipe for some baking! Whether you pick your own or purchase them from the fruit stand, you certainly won’t be disappointed in the bounty from Essex County.


Abruzzese Farms 
Where to Find Them:  Corner of Hwy 3 & Upcott Side Rd, Kingsville, ON
What to Pick: Honey Crisp, Royal Gala, Empire, Mutsu, Red and Golden Delicious, Ida Red, Fuji and Ambrosia apples,
More than Apples: Pick Your Own Cherries too!

Kennette Orchards
Where to Find Them: 913 Lakeshore Rd 107 Essex, Ontario – Opens September 1st
What to Pick: Macintosh, Royal Gala, Empire, Mutsu /Crispin, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Red Fuji, Sun Fuji, Jonagold, Jonared, Ida Red.
More than Apples: Other seasonal produce and Natural Unpasteurized Honey are also available.

Meleg’s Lakeview Orchard
Where to Find Them: 166 Arner Townline Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2E6 – Season opens end of August
What to Pick: Gingergold, Gala, Golden Sup, Macintosh, Honeycrip, Golden Delicious
More than Apples: Pick Your Own raspberries and blackberries, homemade sweet apple cider, cider vinegar as well as hot and sweet paprika spice & jams. Bring the family to “get lost” in the Corn Maze.

Nickels Orchards
Where to Find Them:  1498 County Rd 34, Ruthven, Ontario, N0P 2G0
What to Pick: Honey crisp, MacIntosh and Golden Supreme apples available.
More than Apples: Cherries, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Plums and Nectarines available at the fruit stand on the farm, where you can purchase these commodities in season as well as sparkling cider, pure honey and frozen sour cherries.

Patillo Apple Orchard
Where to Find Them: 180 Patillo Rd – Season opens September 1st
What to Pick: Jonamac, Macintosh, Gala and Cortland.
More than Apples: Pick your own or buy from their stand.  The next apple jam will be September 14th from 1-4pm, weather permitting.

Thiessen Orchards
Where to Find Them: 400 Talbot Rd. E., Leamington, Ontario – Season begins September 5th
What to Pick: Honey Crisp, Macintosh, Royal Gala, Ambrosia, Honey Crisp, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Empire, Mustu, and Red Delicious.
More than Apples: Get lost in our corn maze, savour tasty food and treats in the Kountry Kitchen and jump, swing and do all of the kid’s things!  Pick up a Pumpkin too!

Wagner Orchards 
Where to Find Them: 1222 Lakeshore Rd #103, Lakeshore, ON
What to Pick: Royal Gala, Empire, Mutsu, Yellow Delicious and Red Delicious
More than Apples: Farm bakery producing fresh, homemade pies, strudels and desserts as well as a registered estate winery producing unique high quality fruit and grape wines and ciders.

Make sure to check out our Fall U-Pick Guide and keep it handy because the chance to pick fruit fresh from the tree, shop farmers’ markets at the height of harvest season, and take in all that fresh country air is too good to pass up. Visit our Farm to Table page for more information on where to find locally grown products or check out to find out more of what’s in season now, where to buy farm fresh, and our farmer’s market guide.

If you are looking for more seasonal fun, make sure to sign up for our newsletter and watch for harvest festivals and pumpkin patches to add to your list for Fall Fun!

Original blog written on Wednesday September 4th by Tourism Windsor Essex

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