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Local Expert Blog: Size Doesn’t Matter

Saturday September 21st, 2019, 11:00am


The worthiness of your business should never be determined by the size of your workspace, especially for smaller businesses.

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to small businesses. One being that a small business must have plans of growing their team and, thereby, grow their business. However, that isn’t always the case. There are many businesses that happily do a job well done with a smaller team of four or five while still achieving great levels of success.

What isn’t discussed, though, is if your space is working for you.

Being a small business shouldn’t mean you operate in a broom closet because you don’t have a massive staff or team. Space is just as important for a small business as it is for a major corporation, and there is no reason why you shouldn’t have the space you desire.

How to know your space is working for your team, no matter the size:

  1. It inspires creativity and team work with an inviting floor plan
  2. Plenty of natural light to encourage productivity
  3. Lots of breathing room – people don’t like feeling as if they are working on top of one another
  4. An accessible location – think transportation, parking, and other nearby amenities

For those Big Business Dreams:

As a small business or start up that has big dreams of making it big, it can be hard to match the enormity of bigger companies in those early stages. However, it’s important to remember that all companies – big or small – started somewhere. In fact, many of today’s biggest brands, like Amazon and Google, started out in a garage. So, give yourself a break and let that information inspire you!

Think about it: it would be great to start a business and move into the space of your dreams. Maybe it is a converted warehouse or a large store front or a space with garage doors and a large patio perfect for summer drinks. These dreams and goals are great, but don’t get down in the dumps because you didn’t get that space from the start. Starting out small doesn’t hurt (again, think Google and Amazon).

If anything, it gives you the opportunity to grow your business on your own terms.

Remember – a good thing should never be rushed or compared.

Sponsored story by Lessor Limited. Founded in 1962, Lessor Ltd is a family owned and operated company dedicated to serving the people of Windsor and Essex County. Find them online on Twitter or Facebook, or reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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