Transit From Leamington To Windsor Starts Next Week
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019, 10:00am
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 2066 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
Transit service from Leamington to Windsor with stops in Kingsville and Essex gets underway on Monday, July 8th.
Route 42 starts daily at St. Clair College in Windsor, then stops at the Essex Sports Complex, then off to the Kingsville Arena and ends at the Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex.
It then makes the same trip back hitting the same bus stop locations.
The service makes three trips a day Monday to Friday and two on Saturdays. A full schedule can be found here.
Fares for the service will be $10 for a one-way trip or $15 for a round trip (same day only). 30-day passes will be available for $250 per month.
All revenue from the Leamington route will be provided to the Municipality to offset the hourly service costs.
The new service is provided by a 5-year grant from the Ontario government to establish a pilot program to implement transit service.