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Local Expert Blog: The Day Of The Poor

Saturday November 10th, 2018, 11:00am


As some of you may know, November 18th is the World Day of the Poor; a day in which we are encouraged to consider those less fortunate than ourselves and give generously what we can. While this may be a day established by Pope Francis, it is a day that can appreciated by any caring person, be they religious or secular.

With the cold weather approaching, charities are preparing for the busiest time of the year. People all over Canada struggle to buy their children winter clothing and afford the increased costs of heating their home. This is why even more people than usual turn to institutions like The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP). Some people who may be too proud to ask for help, determined to stand on their own two feet; all the added stress of this time of year and the desperation to provide for their family causes them to humble themselves and seek help. A startling 13% of all Canadians helped by SSVP are in Windsor-Essex county.

I also encourage you to volunteer, donate your time or money and take this day to reflect on those in need. SSVP strives to treat the poor with dignity and respect regardless of personal creed or background; we ask you to do the same. Taking the time to spread the word, smile at a homeless person, or starting the conversation with your friends can make these people feel secure enough to ask for help. Help that may allow them to escape the cycle of poverty.

In recognition of the day of the poor, our Society Shoppe stores in Windsor-Essex will be offering 15% off purchases between the 12th and 17th. In addition, on the 16th and 17th we will be doing a special trade in. Bring in a pair of worn shoes and choose a new pair for a quarter.

Always remember, “Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveller who was attacked. The role of justice is to prevent the attack.”
– Frederic Ozanam, Founder of The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul



Sponsored story by Rosanne Winger, Society Saint Vincent de Paul Windsor Essex. Visit their Facebook page here, or the Facebook page for the Society Shoppe here. You can also visit their website here, or reach them by phone at 519-253-7481.

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