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Local Expert Blog: The Great Canadian Giving Challenge: A Reminder To Give

Saturday June 9th, 2018, 11:00am


As you prepare for you summer trips, barbeques, and lazy holidays by the pool it can be easy to forget that there are families can’t afford to get out of their sweltering homes, buy food for their grills, or to take a single day off work; this is why “The Great Canadian Giving Challenge” exists.

During the summer there is a charitable drought, when charities struggle to gain support. The challenge seeks to remedy this by not just reminding people to donate, but by offering $10,000 to a lucky and supported charity. Every dollar donated to a charity in the month of June not only supports the charity 100%, but buys it a ballet that can be drawn for the $10,000 prize.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is one charity you can support in this challenge. If you choose to support us, your donation not only stays local but also provides the opportunity to bring $10,000 into the community. All of this money will be used to support those in the Windsor-Essex county who need it the most. This money will be used to feed and clothe the community, as well as drive social programs that help lift the community up and ensure the poor can maintain their dignity.

To participate in the “Great Canadian Giving Challenge” go to or Even if you can only afford the minimum donation of $3, you are helping the community. If every person in the Windsor Essex community, approximately 300 thousand people, donate $3 to local charities that is $900,000 that can be used to ensure families don’t have to worry that their children will go hungry this summer and 900,000 opportunities to bring $10,000 into the community. One person can make a difference.

Always remember “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”



Sponsored story by Rosanne Winger, Society Saint Vincent de Paul Windsor Essex. Visit their Facebook page here, or the Facebook page for the Society Shoppe here. You can also visit their website here, or reach them by phone at 519-253-7481.

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