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Dog Tags Now Available In Essex

Wednesday January 24th, 2018, 9:00am


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Dog Tags Now Available

Dog tags and licences for 2018 are now available from the Town of Essex.

Dog owners can purchase and pay for their tags at Essex Town Hall and The Computer Centre in Harrow.

Owners of previously-licenced dogs should have received a reminder by mail in early January. New dog owners are reminded to fill out their applications as soon as possible, as fees increase on April 1st.

Until that date, tags for spayed and neutered dogs will cost $15. Tags for unspayed and unneutered dogs will cost $25. After April 1st, the fee doubles to $30 and $50 respectively. After July 1, the fee triples from the original price to $45 and $75. Tags for service and police dogs are provided at no charge.

“In the case of dog tags, the earlier the better,” says Chief Administrative Officer Donna Hunter. “Tags ensure that owners are reunited with lost dogs, and the funds raised help support dog parks and other animal control programs in our community.”

Dog owners are also reminded of the other requirements outlined in the Town’s Animal Care and Control By-law. Residents are allowed a maximum of three dogs per household. Dogs and other animals cannot be tethered or chained for longer than ten hours. Owners are also banned from driving with an animal in the back of an open pickup truck and from leaving an animal in a car when the temperature is too hot or cold.

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