St. Clair Opens Time Capsule
Wednesday October 11th, 2017, 5:28pm
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 2597 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
St. Clair College opened a time capsule from 1997 Wednesday morning.
Amount the items found inside was the red “hot-line” telephone, that was once located in the college’s main lobby. Any student or staffer could pick up that phone at any time with a complaint or a suggestion, and the call would be directly connected to the desk of Dr. Richard Quittenton, St. Clair’s first President.
Assorted memorabilia including a crested baseball cap and a video from the 30th anniversary gala, a thank You letter from Buckingham Palace, for a book-of-condolence signed by students and staffers following the death of Princess Diana in 1997, a Saint newspaper and college yearbook of the era, a Convocation program and diploma, an Orientation T-shirt and poker chips and playing cards (the college, at the time, was training employees for the new casino in Windsor).
Items were also added to the capsule to be opened in 2042 including an iPhone, containing assorted video greetings to “the people of 2042” from current-day St. Clair officials,a number of publications and documents pertaining to the 50th anniversary celebration, and assorted college-crested pins and souvenirs.