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Local Expert Blog: 7 Ways To Improve Vehicle Fuel Efficiency

Saturday June 10th, 2017, 11:00am


Worried about the price of gas? Looking to be more environmentally friendly? Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to be more fuel efficient, which is evident given the growing demand for fuel-efficient cars,but did you know that regular maintenance and good driving habits are among the easiest ways to boost your car’s efficiency? Give these tips from Allstate’s experts a try!

  1. Tires are one of the biggest factors when it comes to fuel efficiency. It’s important to keep your tires inflated to the recommended pressure at all times. Taking a moment to check tire pressure at least once a month is important for both for safety and efficiency. Keeping your tires inflated to the recommended amount will also likely help them last longer, while offering you improved comfort, safety and handling.
  2. Not surprisingly, the way you drive plays a big role in how your car consumes fuel. By, keeping your eyes on the road, avoiding hard breaking and rapid acceleration, you can influence your efficiency by up to 30 per cent. These techniques however will help more than your gas mileage; by taking it easy on your brakes and tires; you’ll also find yourself saving on maintenance and repair costs.
  3. Cruise control is an easy way to save on gas since it reduces the variances, like frequently changing speeds that typically cause you to be less fuel efficient.
  4. Regular checkups are a must. By changing your air filters and having your engine checked as recommended, you’ll stay on top of problems like a clogged fuel filter or malfunctioning spark plug, which can affect your consumption.
  5. When filling up your car with gas, keep the hose in the tank for a few seconds even after the pump shuts off. The catch? Often times there’s up to a quarter cup of gas left in nozzle; by leaving it in you can empty it completely, getting your full money’s worth.
  6. Lighten up! Reduce the amount of stuff you keep in your car and clean out your trunk regularly – the lighter the load the less gas you’ll use.
  7. Loyalty programs are another simple solution to saving at the pump. Since most gas stations have one, you’ll be able to keep with your regular routine while saving money on gas and even snacks at the same time.
    Interested in learning more ways to keep both you and your car protected?

Interested in learning more? Call the Walker Road Allstate Agency at 519-969-4466, or better yet, feel free to stop by the office. For more helpful tips and information, visit the GOOD HANDS blog at

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