Amherstburg Plans To CANUCK UP The Hydrants
Tuesday May 9th, 2017, 9:00am
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This article is 2752 days old.
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General Amherst art students plan to CANUCK UP the Hydrants in Downtown Amherstburg.
Each hydrant will be the canvas for unique artwork designed by the students. For years the hydrants in Downtown Amherstburg have been an attraction to visitors and residents. The hydrants were previously decorated in 2012 by General Amherst art students and showcased soldiers and flags along with other 1812 themed images.
This year the hydrants will be painted in Canada 150 themed artwork. The artwork is inspired by iconic Canadian images and will transform our hydrants into works of art, in time for the Canuck it up! Festival Canadiana, set for August 5th and 6th.
“We were thrilled with the enthusiastic response from General Amherst. This is a very interesting, public and lasting way to stage the artwork of the youth in Amherstburg. We’ll be enjoying images of what our Nation means to the future leaders of our community for years to come, ” Jen Ibrahim, Tourism Coordinator.