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Humane Society Launches New Targeted Trap-Neuter-Return Program

Thursday October 27th, 2016, 10:29am


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The Humane Society has launched a new targeted Trap-Neuter-Return program, also known as TNR.

The society says this new program is an effective component of caring for and aiding in the control of feral/community cat overpopulation.

TNR involves trapping free-roaming cats, altering and vaccinating them, and then returning them to the location where they were found.  They say that TNR improves the lives of cats, addresses community concerns, reduces complaints about cats, and stops the breeding cycle.

The Windsor/Essex County Humane Society currently supports TNR through their public spay/neuter services, which give individuals and groups performing TNR access to low-cost surgeries, as well as benefits like free vaccines, microchips, and ear tips.

But for the first time, the Humane Society will implement and fund a large-scale targeted TNR program themselves.  This program is supported with a general donation from the late Dr. Bruce White.  The new program will provide TNR services, and also education to the residents of the communities.

The first area the program will target is area is located in East Windsor bordered by Lauzon Road, Tecumseh Road, Hawthorne and Meadowbrook Lane with a goal of fixing at least 75% of all free-roaming cats.

This area was selected due to the large volume of cats in the area, and the number of complaints received.

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