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Ward 6 Candidates Meet With Residents

Wednesday October 22nd, 2014, 9:28pm


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 3565 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.

From left: Ward Six city council candidates John S. Holmes, Jason Dupuis, Jo-Anne Gignac and Alex Denonville

City council candidates running for ward six discussed their platforms to the residents in the community, Tuesday evening.

More than 60 people including the moderators attended the debate at Average Joe’s banquet hall. The residents of ward six submitted the questions asked in advance via email and social media.

All four candidates were present at the debate.

Topics mentioned included bike lanes, maintaining amenities and attracting people into the ward.

The candidates were asked which mayoral candidate they’re supporting this municipal election. Candidates Alex Denonville, Jason Dupuis and John Holmes announced John Millson had their vote while Jo-Anne Gignac said Drew Dilkens had hers.

As the question and answer session came to a close the moderator introduced the second part of the debate referred to as the lightning round.

All candidates were asked a series of close-ended questions that resulted in three simple responses.

Candidates responded by holding up a sign that included a green side for yes, a red side for no and a picture of a fence for not having a yes or no answer.

The night ended as each candidate gave a one minute conclusion to the audience followed by a meet and greet with the residents.

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