City Preparing Parks For Winter
Friday October 10th, 2014, 10:00am
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This article is 3742 days old.
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Hanging baskets along Norfolk in South Windsor have now been removed for the Winter
The cooler fall days are here and the days are shorter, and our parks and streets are looking a lot less colorful these days.
City horticulture crews have been busy removing annuals and centre-piece plants from Windsor’s garden displays. In their place, more than 70,000 tulip bulbs are being planted in preparation for next spring.
In addition, work is being done to prepare the garden beds for the winter by covering them with mushroom compost. However, harsh winter conditions are not the only thing that crews have to worry about. Squirrels love to dig up tulip bulbs as a snack. Horticulture Supervisor Dave Tootill says they have been using blood meal on the beds. Tootill adds, “Animals don’t like the smell of the blood meal. We had great success last year in keeping the squirrels from stealing our tulip bulbs.”
Work is also continuing on removing hanging baskets and planters from city streets. All roses will be cut back, and palms and centre pieces will be brought in to the City’s greenhouses before winter arrives.