Local Beer Stores Taking Returns For Leukemia
Saturday May 24th, 2014, 6:20pm
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Did you know your empty beer bottles, cans, liquor bottles and even wine bottles could help find a cure for leukemia?
This weekend, bring all those empty returnable items to any Beer Store and the proceeds will go directly to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada.
Daniel Stein, supervisor at the Amherstburg Beer Store said the bottle drive is a specific weekend each year the organization dedicates to raising money for leukemia by getting everyone to donate all their empties on the same weekend.
“We have volunteers coming out and people helping out to spread the word and to raise some money,” said Stein. “We have volunteers here that will take the empties, help people bring them in from their car and just donate their empties … They just donate their empties and then we exchange the empties for cash.”
Last year, The Beer Stores Ontario wide raised over $1.7 million. Amherstburg’s Beer Store alone raised over $4,000.
Each year brings out a wide variety of volunteers who donate their time to the cause. Jennifer Duby, Real Estate manager at head office in Toronto said while she lives in Toronto, she’s come down to her home town of Amherstburg for the last two years. She gets her family, her friends and everyone she knows involved in some way. This year she’s holding a BBQ to raise extra money right outside The Beer Store.
“It’s a great cause, we do this as an entire organization, everybody in all the stores, their family and friends,” said Duby. “It’s for a great cause and you know what, it’s an amazing cause for so many people that are affected, every dollar that we raise today goes directly towards the cause.”
Duby said last year there was a young girl who brought two trucks full of empties to return to raise money for leukemia. The little girl had just finished her treatment and wanted to help out. This year Duby said she expects to see her come out and volunteer at some point as well.
Stein said on average, a regular 24 case of beer brings in about $2.40 in return cash. Other returns such as cans, wine bottles and liquor bottles range in return amounts but he added every penny counts.
“We’re hoping to raise a lot of money,” said Stein. “At least hoping to get what we did last year and hopefully we can exceed what The Beer Store raised last year. We’re just here doing our part.”
Don’t have empties? The Beer Store will accept cash donations as well as time donations. Stein said volunteers are always welcome.