Have Extra Children’s Books? Book Drive On Now
Tuesday July 16th, 2013, 10:00am
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Looking to weed out the books that your children are done reading? Then consider donating them to the 6th annual Link to Literacy Children’s Book Drive which runs until September 30th.
The annual drive collects donations of gently used children’s books from the community to distribute to children in need in the Windsor/ Essex County area schools for them to to take home to keep.
Last year, 4,962 books were collected, which then were distributed among nine elementary schools in our area. Since 2008, over 15,000 books have been distributed to children in our community. All donated books stay in the Windsor/Essex area.
If you are interested in donating your own books, contact Tamye Machina at 519-978-1517. You can also drop books off at 2065 Edgemore Avenue in LaSalle.
You are asked to ensure that the books are in good condition. The organizers request that no textbooks or encyclopedias be delivered. Books that are suitable for kindergarten to grade eight are welcome.