City Stepping Up Property By-law Enforcement Around UWindsor Campus
Monday April 8th, 2013, 11:00am
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 4178 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
Every year when students move out of rental homes around the University, they leave garbage piled by the curbs, which causes numerous complaints to be filed with the city.
The City of Windsor’s Building Department’s By-law Enforcement Unit will be conducting proactive property inspections in residential areas surrounding the University, starting today.
A team of By-law Enforcement Officers will be monitoring properties for compliance with the City’s Yard Maintenance By-law 3-2006, which stipulates that yards and curbsides must be kept clear of garbage and debris.
“With winter weather finally drawing to an end and the school semester soon to follow, we want to ensure students returning home are doing their part and leaving the city as clean as possible”, said Manager of By-law Enforcement Ann Kalinowski. “By taking a proactive approach, we’ll be able to communicate with students and property owners before problems arise.”
If Enforcement Officers find a property that is in violation of the by-law, a compliance order will be sent by registered mail to the property owner.
If you live in the area and have a complaint about a mess left behind by students, you can call 311.