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Fit-Life Challenge | Episode 2

Friday October 19th, 2012, 9:00am


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The Fit-Crew’s First Taste of Adrenaline !

There was a lot of sweat last night and a lot of breaks during sets…some red faces and maybe a little frustration. However our 5 contestants came in totally positive and excited to kick it hard and kick it they did. The Adrenaline Junkies welcomed them and motivated them and these 5 gave every last piece of strength they had. We could tell though that they seemed bothered that they couldn’t do all the moves to keep up with the 40 Adrenaline regulars that were killing the drills out all around them. It’s definitely a reality check for anyone who comes out to these classes no matter their fitness level.

So for these 5 it was an eye opener to what’s ahead for them but also so exciting for the end results. Cause when you work that hard and push your limits that far there’s not going to be anything getting in the way… not even those milky chocolate bars John!! It’s definitely not worth cheating on your diet when you put this much into your training.

So our Fit-Life Challengers did great tonight . they definitely pushed the max that they had at this level anyway.. and that’s why we are here, but let’s be honest there’s definitely room for a lot of improvement. We are excited to watch those squats get lower and those quick feet get faster and to catch it all on video and document it is awesome.

Let’s get inspired and motivated from these 5, they definitely represent CHANGE in an amazing way, to pick up their lives and change all their routines and habits is incredible. Our goal here at Adrenaline is to not only help them but to motivate YOU.. all of you at home who are following this. Maybe you already have a solid fitness routine down and your eating habits are spot on, but there’s something in your life that you can uplift and improve in for sure. So let’s make things happen Windsorites, get pumped up and celebrate this life you live!!

We take it from the post workout interviews that all 5 contestants felt they had an eye opening workout tonight. As John put it “the workouts looked a lot easier when watching them from the YouTube Channel”…Well, we couldn’t agree more with that!



She did amazing and had this big smile on her face the whole time. Well not the whole time but at the beginning, during breaks and definitely at the end. She is so sweet and caring and we can tell she is so happy to be here and to have this in her life! After class Michele was full of energy and excitement.. she said she had more energy then ever .. yes Michele these Adrenaline classes will do it to ya, some will say it’s actually addictive. We have a feeling she might have went home and cleaned her whole house after. Great work Mich!!!


For those of you who haven’t picked up on it yet, John is one funny dude. However 25 minutes into this workout, as Danielle noticed, John wasn’t cracking jokes anymore. John is one day closer to losing that belly after tonight and showed great potential out there. John had his wife and daughter with him tonight as support, what a lucky guy! His daughter is a Adrenaline Junkie herself and was giving John everything from advice on his breathing to demonstrations of proper form. “Bend those knee’s and keep that back straight …yes that’s it, keep it up! He had his wife on the right and daughter on the left and Danielle Yelling at him in between!! John you said your face would be red that first day we met you and it wasn’t red…it was purple!!! You were incredible out there John and we are ready to push you a little more each class.


Well Angela was just awesome, she didn’t let any exercise she couldn’t do get her down.. she just modified it and kept going. We were completely impressed by her hard work and determination. She is super inspired and not only wants it but is doing it! We can’t wait to see the results Angela has with this challenge.

Angela, you definitely were not sucking out there, you gave it your all and we hope you are sore tomorrow ha!


Steven waltzed up tonight with his game face on ready to go.. oh but did that quickly turn to his pain face. After even the warm up he was feeling it and we might have seen him checking that clock more then a few times. Steven worked harder then he has in a long time and we are so so proud of him. He has a history of football in his life so we are sure he had some flash backs to those days and it must have felt good. he pushed his limits tonight and gave it everything he had. We are so excited to work with him and get him back to the football shape he was in and more. GREAT work tonight Steven.. hope your feeling it today while your selling cars at the dealership!!


Stacey has been to Adrenaline once in the past but was scared to return cause she knew what to expect. What she expected came true. Stacey was worked and she brought her game and pushed through the whole thing. If her goals are to get toned and shape up her lifestyle.. while Stacey if you keep pushing like you did tonight you will hit that goal and then some. Super proud of you !

Tonight’s video clips will be played back two months from now on the big screen at the reveal party and the improvements will be 10 fold. We know it and can’t wait to see the look on our Fit-Life Challengers faces. So now check out the video and let us know what you think !


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