Border Road: Have You Noticed The Tunnels?
Friday October 12th, 2012, 10:00am
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 4427 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
While there’s no current timeline for completion of a new Windsor-Detroit bridge, the Windsor-Essex Parkway has reached a significant construction milestone over the past month.
Walls that will make up the inside of the Parkway’s eleven tunnels are being built and are the first signs of the permanent road that will ferry traffic along the new border corridor.
While construction has not started on every tunnel, the phased construction approach has allowed for a significant amount of progress to be made on the tunnels that are away from present-day Huron Church traffic. A number of Huron Church / Highway 3 diversion roads have opened between June and September of this year, allowing construction to begin on additional tunnels.
If your commute takes you along the existing roadway, you may notice large metal forms protruding from the ground. These forms allow crews to pour concrete which, when set, form the tunnel walls. Tunnel ceilings will utilize a similar technique and will be constructed at a later date.