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“Pat on the Back” Presents Funding to Local, Grassroots Sustainability Projects

Wednesday August 10th, 2011, 2:15pm


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Ojibway Nature Centre (Photo: Chris Richards)

During the “Pat on the Back” award ceremony last evening, at the Ojibway Nature Centre, the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee awarded $2,000.00  to four small, local environmental groups.

“Each of the award candidates gave a presentation on their organization and described how they would use the “Pat on the Back” funds if they were to receive an award” said Alan Halberstadt, cochair of WECEC. “It was very tough to pick four award winners as all of the organizations are doing great things for our environment.”

The award recipients included :

The Campus Community Garden Project – A small community garden located at the University of Windsor who donates approximately 80% of its produce to the community.

St. Andrew’s Church, Lakeshore – A large community garden who donates all of its produce to the community.

Windsor Essex Coop co-op – A chicken coop pilot project in the county run by Windsor and Essex families in support of free range organic chickens.

Windsor Essex Community Supported Agriculture – A community farm located in Essex available to residents who would like to grow their own organic food.

Honourable mention recipients included:

Glenwood Public School – Native tree plantings to “green” the schoolyard.

King Edward Public School – Native tree plantings and outdoor classroom.

Kingsville District High School – Outdoor classroom for environmental learning.


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