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Flood Warning Continues

Wednesday May 1st, 2019, 2:51pm


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 1830 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.

A flood warning continues for the area.

The Essex Region Conservation Authority says that flooding is occurring along Cotterie Park Road and Lakeshore Drive between Fox Run Road and Mersea Road 2, in the Leamington.

This area experienced flooding through the late hours of Tuesday night and early hours of Wednesday morning. Floodwaters have receded from the majority of the roadway; however, floodwaters on adjacent lands are flowing to low points and washing out portions of the gravel road shoulders leaving the road surface unsupported. People should avoid this area and abide by “road closed” signs in place by the town.

Additionally, areas in the City of Windsor have experienced surface flooding as a result of the rainfall last night and this morning. Surface runoff is expected to enter the City’s drainage system and provide relief; however, high lake and river levels are slowing this process down.

High lake levels are causing high tailwater elevations at river-lake interfaces. This effect in combination with the heavy rainfall that occurred overnight has the potential to cause extremely high water levels in major tributaries. Areas designed to act as floodways are expected to receive and convey water, while other areas may see higher than normal water levels with the potential for flooding.

Additional rainfall is still forecasted for the Region with localized storms potentially bringing heavy downpoors of at least 10 mm this afternoon as well as Thursday afternoon. This is expected to exacerbate standing water conditions. Winds have shifted to a more southwesterly direction and are expected to remain out of the west for the remainder of today and the majority of Thursday. East winds are expected to return on Thursday but with significantly slower speeds than those that caused flooding in all occurrences through April. These winds still have the potential to generate wave action and cause splashing and spray. Any shoreline structures that sustained damage from previous events are susceptible to further damage.

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