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MRI Coming To Erie Shores HealthCare

Tuesday December 13th, 2022, 11:53am


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This article is 591 days old.
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A new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner will be coming to Erie Shores HealthCare. The MRI, a first for Erie Shores, was part of a province-wide announcement on Monday, December 12, 2022, about funding for 27 new MRI machines in Ontario.

Currently, Erie Shores HealthCare patients who need an MRI are transferred to other regional hospitals to receive the test, which can be a disruption in their care. When operational, this new MRI will significantly enhance the quality of patient care delivered at the hospital, minimize ER wait times, and decrease inpatient lengths of stay.

“This is great news and I want to thank Chatham-Kent Leamington Member of Provincial Parliament Trevor Jones for his support,” said ESHC President and CEO Kristin Kennedy. “I also want to thank all of the staff and physicians who have worked for the last several years to make this project a reality. It’s going to allow the people we serve greater access to care close to home.”

Today’s provincial funding announcement provides for ongoing operating funds for the MRI program, including the cost of staffing, supplies, and maintenance.

With provincial operating funds now in place, the costs to buy the actual MRI equipment and renovate the hospital to house it falls on the Erie Shores Health Foundation and the community.

“The Foundation is committed to working with the hospital and our donors to make this project a reality,” said Foundation Board Chair Debbie Kobayashi. “This announcement aligns with our new year launch of a wide scale fundraising campaign to ensure this long-held dream becomes a reality of a state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging program.”

The MRI project timeline is to be determined as we assess infrastructure needs and are subject to procurement issues.

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