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Local Expert Blog: Did You Get Your 50/50 Ticket For Life After Fifty’s Raffle?

Saturday February 27th, 2021, 11:00am


Do you have your 50/50 ticket for the $5000 Jackpot?

The pot is over $5000 and rising! Get your ticket at (

The draw is next Tuesday, March 2.

Struggling to purchase your ticket? It’s easy! Even Mary the Cat can click for a ticket – but you must be human,  18 or older and in the province of Ontario at time of purchase. You must have your location settings turned on to make the purchase. To see how to change your settings, click here.

After over a decade of volunteers leading their annual fundraising drive, Life After Fifty’s traditional fundraiser pivoted to this exciting new virtual venture!

For decades, Life After Fifty relied on a paper-based lottery with a limited amount of tickets. Tickets that were mostly sold by senior volunteers. These volunteer sellers would join forces to sell as many tickets as possible to friends and family and through social and community-based events. Now, due to the pandemic, most charitable organizations are seeking virtual fundraising tools like an electronic 50/50 raffle.

“Not being able to hold in-person events makes things much tougher,” said Dorothy Davis, chair of Life After Fifty’s marketing committee.

“Our usual volunteers are missing the competitive nature of selling tickets together, sharing their passion about the work we do and services we provide in the community but we’re finding new ways to get the word out.”

The funds raised will help support the shift to virtual programming and access to low-cost meals for seniors in the Windsor-Essex area.  The on-going work has never been more important as the lockdown continues and the dangers of social isolation threaten our most vulnerable population.

“On the bright side, the one great thing about this format, with our traditional lottery there was a limit to the number of tickets we could sell. Now, there is no limit on the number of tickets, which means there’s no limit on the jackpot.”

Windsor Honda and Lester Construction Group have both contributed to supporting the lengthy process of moving the lottery to the virtual world through sponsorship. Now, the organization is working on getting the word out. With a guaranteed prize of $2,500 and a chance to win 50 per cent of the total money raised, tickets are sold in value-added bundles: $10 for 10 numbers, $20 for 25 numbers, $50 for 100 numbers, $100 for 300 numbers.  Buying an online 50/50 ticket is a simple process, similar to most online purchases.

Ticket sales end 11:59 p.m. March 1 and the winner will be drawn at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 2 by a computer-based random number generator supplied by a third-party vendor, Bump 50:50. Enter the raffle today, visit
You must be 18 years of age to enter and in Ontario at the time of purchase.

Sponsored Story by Life After Fifty.

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