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Local Expert Blog: Increase Morale With Holiday Cheer

Saturday December 14th, 2019, 11:00am


Most companies, big and/or small, organize some type of Christmas celebration. Options often fall between throwing an office shin-dig to participating in some good old-fashioned gift giving.

However, while people enjoy joining in parties and Secret Santa, here are some other alternatives:

  1. Flexible work hours

Sure, gifts are great, but employees can’t really appreciate that right now. No, they are too busy stressing about all the things they still need to get done (cough-Christmas-shopping-cough) before the holiday break. So, instead of a gift they probably won’t remember next year, give them a little flexibility to lighten the holiday load.

  • Provide an option to come into work earlier in order to leave earlier.
  • Give longer lunch breaks to run some errands.
  • Allow them to work from home.
  1. Branded Gifts

Some people may find giving branded gifts tacky. We disagree. As long as you give a branded gift that is useful and thoughtful, you will be fine! After all, the odds of your employees expecting a branded gift is pretty high anyway, so why not give more than a mug this year?

  • Laptop sleeves or bags always come in handy for the professional on the go.
  • Sweatshirts or blankets keep your team warm during the colder months. (Not to mention, the office thermostat is always a point of contention in any office.)
  • A Bluetooth speaker, because sometimes listening to music and podcasts help make the work day more pleasant.
  1. Team Building Activities

Maybe your team aren’t the partying type. Not a problem. With a little digging you are bound to find activities happening throughout your community that you team will love.

  • Paint and wine nights.
  • Brewery tours.
  • A group fitness class.

Letting your team know you appreciate them in any way you can is always a good idea. In fact, try not to only limit ideas like those above to just the holiday season! Instead, try implementing these ideas throughout the year and, no doubt, you will see an increase in productivity.

Sponsored story by Lessor Limited. Founded in 1962, Lessor Ltd is a family owned and operated company dedicated to serving the people of Windsor and Essex County. Find them online on Facebook, or reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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