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Local Expert Blog: Cool for the Summer

Saturday July 27th, 2019, 11:00am


Cool for the Summer

Summer – a time for beaches, amusement parks, vacations, pool parties, and barbecues. Sounds pretty great, right? Yeah, if you aren’t stuck at work.

Even worse, when inside is just as hot and humid as outside except without the fun.

Odds are you have already seen a decrease in your team’s productivity because they are too busy staring out the window. While you can’t keep them from dreaming of all the things they would rather be doing this summer, you can keep your team up to scratch by controlling the office temperature.

How to Keep it Cool

At the end of the day, the battle over the thermostat is all about driving productivity. There is a lot of research to be found on what the ideal office temperature would be, but one this is for certain – as temperature rises (e.g. 90 degrees Fahrenheit) or lowers (e.g. 60 degrees Fahrenheit), people are going to spend more time sweating or shivering than actually working.

Besides blasting the air conditioner (the general consensus seems to be 70 degrees Fahrenheit), a few other ways you can keep your team comfortable during the hot summer months are:

  1. Frozen Treats

Everyone likes popsicles and ice cream! Not only will it help keep everyone cool, it will also act as a great treat. Sometimes it’s the small gestures that mean the most. Show your team you care about them by giving them something fun to eat

Healthy Option: Frozen Fruit! Throw some grapes, watermelon, or whatever your favourite fruit is into the freezer. A few hours later you will have a healthy treat.

  1. A Tall Glass of Water

Provide your team with ample amounts of H2O by supplying a Brita® or Culligan® (help the planet and nix the plastic water bottles). Take the water up a notch by throwing some lemon or lime slices into the freezer. Once frozen, toss them into your water to keep your drinks cool and refreshing.

  1. Adjust the Work Hours

Since it’s cooler earlier in the day, allow your team to get their day started earlier in order to end their day before it gets too hot. There is no doubt that your team will be more comfortable and it will keep your air conditioner from working so hard.

The reality is that sometimes it gets hot – very hot. Depending on the size of your work space, your air conditioner can’t always keep up with the outside heat. Don’t be afraid to get creative this summer by coming up with new solutions to beat the heat and stay cool for the summer!

Sponsored story by Lessor Limited. Founded in 1962, Lessor Ltd is a family owned and operated company dedicated to serving the people of Windsor and Essex County. Find them onlineTwitterFacebook, or reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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