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Local Expert Blog: A Charitable New Year

Saturday February 9th, 2019, 11:00am


To all charitable samaritans,

With the holidays having come to a close we have come into a new year and many of us have come into this year with resolutions. Some of us have resolved to get into shape, to eat healthier, to be kinder, and the list can go on. My resolution this year is one that I work on to a greater degree every year, I have resolved to be more mindful of what I have and what I need. Like many others, this means that I will be looking through my closet and deciding what I will be replacing with the Christmas gifts from my family. While I have yet to decide precisely what to remove, I do know where my old usable clothing and gadgets will be going: the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP). There are a number of reason I have chosen to give my donations to SSVP, there are 2 very important ones.

The first reason is that it is local. When money or goods are donated to SSVP I am certain that all money raised and goods collected is fed back into Windsor-Essex community. Donations to SSVP are used to fund charitable works such as the voucher program; this program gave over $100,000 worth of clothing, furniture, and household goods to Windsorites who would otherwise go without.

The second reason I have chosen SSVP is that they are in need. While the donations of food, money, furniture, and household goods from the Windsor-Essex community in the past year is greatly appreciated and has gone to help over 30,000 people, they are in dire need of clothing. In the winter months especially, those in need have a great need for clothing. SSVP is struggling to have clothing to give those in need or to offer at affordable prices to those on low incomes or too proud to ask for help.

While I intend to drop my own meager donations off directly at the stores, this isn’t always a option for people. Whether you can’t make it to a store location during their hours, or because you don’t have the means to transport the donation yourself SSVP does offer alternatives. For smaller donations you can bring your bagged goods to a drop-off box, listed on their website at For larger donations you can call 519-253-7481 ext.# 230 or email your address and donation list to [email protected] for free pick-up. Clothing donations are picked up every Friday all over Windsor-Essex county.

Despite being a student, I have been lucky to never need to utilize the charity of SSVP. Despite the financial hardships I have and continue to face in my academic career I always try to keep in mind an old Taoist teaching, “The sage gives charitable because he is mindless of his own poverty” (Anonymous). I have little to give, but what I can give I do.

I wish you the kindest regards and a prosperous 2019.


Sponsored story by Society Saint Vincent de Paul Windsor Essex. Visit their Facebook page here, or the Facebook page for the Society Shoppe here. You can also visit their website here, or reach them by phone at 519-253-7481.

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