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Local Expert Blog: I Realized How Important It Is For Me To Choose Where I Donate Carefully

Saturday April 14th, 2018, 11:00am


When I was younger, I use to visit my friend Ruth regularly. We would have lunch or tea and chat. No matter how many times I visited her, I would be awe struck by her beautiful home. Everything was neat, tidy, and (most strikingly) minimalist. Not only did she have few decorations but her cupboards, drawers, and even her fridge never had too much. She never had more than she needed, and she was happy with what she had. She was an example I always tried to follow, and my visits to her home always encouraged me to emulate her and purged my own home of anything I didn’t need.

It has been a long time since I’ve seen Ruth, but every once and awhile I still decide get rid of what I don’t need. Whenever I purge my possessions, I go through everything I have and ask myself 3 simple questions:

1) Have I used this item in the past year?
2) Does this item have sentimental value to me?
3) Could someone else use this?

If the answer to the first 2 questions is ‘no’, I get rid of it. If the answer to the 3rd question is ‘yes’, then I donate it.

It wasn’t until I started working for the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul that I realized how important it is for me to choose where I donate carefully. While we purge the possessions we have in excess, we need to remember that there are others who do not have what they need. This can help motivate us to emulate Ruth, but should also guide us when deciding where these items go. We need to send our donations where it can benefit others in the community or a charitable cause close to our heart.

Always remember “The way to happiness is: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would be done by”.
– Buddha

Sincerely Rosanne

Sponsored story by Rosanne Winger, Society Saint Vincent de Paul Windsor Essex. Visit their Facebook page here, or the Facebook page for the Society Shoppe here. You can also visit their website here, or reach them by phone at 519-253-7481.

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