Bioblitz To Study Species At Ojibway
Wednesday June 18th, 2014, 12:00pm
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It’s the first of its kind in this area.
A Bioblitz — a 24 hour survey of all plants and animals in the Ojibway Prairie Complex will involve experts and amateur volunteers working together to identify as many species (including fungi, plants, fish, birds and insects) as possible within a 24-hour period is taking place on Saturday, June 28th starting at 10am and wrapping up Sunday, June 29th.
The Bioblitz encompasses the Ojibway Prairie Remnants in the City of Windsor and Town of LaSalle.
Although Essex County has relatively little natural area, the county is extremely diverse biologically and is home to numerous provincially rare and at-risk species. This event will promote conservation, increase public awareness, provide records of important species and generate interest in our natural areas.
People of all ages are invited to attend this free event. Food and drinks will be provided for participants. For more information, or to volunteer, please visit the Ojibway Prairie Bioblitz Facebook page or