The Town of Essex is asking their citizens to weigh-in on the priorities of the municipality with the launch...
Two new restaurants have opened their doors in Essex. On the Docks located at 105 Talbot Street South offers...
The Town of Essex has launched a new policy for local non-profit organizations designed to boost event attendance and...
Al Diemer is the new uperintendent of Roads in Essex. Diemer joined the Town of Essex as a...
The Town of Essex has been named a Bike Friendly Community, making it the first municipality in Essex County...
The Town of Essex welcomed has a new youth council member. Cameron Soucie is currently a Grade 9 student...
The Town of Essex will receive special recognition for its outstanding commitment to promoting youth engagement in community life...
Two new businesses have opened up on Talbot Street North in Essex. Rock-A-Bye Baby is Essex Centre’s newest baby...