The Town of Essex has named Jake Morassut as Manager, Parks and Facilities. Since 2019, he has served as...
If you’re farmer, brewer, cheesemaker, or other type of food or beverage producer, the Town of Essex wants to...
The Town of Essex is looking for local youth who want a summer job. Every year, the Town employs...
A Harrow man is $100,000 richer after winning Encore on a Lotto Max draw. William Friars of Harrow matched...
Do you know Someone in the Town of Essex whose efforts to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of...
The Town of Essex has published a draft copy of their new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for 2021-2026. The...
Essex Council has approved the municipality’s operating and capital budgets with a 0% increase to the municipal property tax...
Town of Essex has received a $250,000 grant from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs’ Rural...