Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald has been re-elected. Mayor Hilda MacDonald 4333 votes Jimmy Simoni 3004 votes Cris Biron...
The Municipality of Lakeshore has elected a new mayor. Tracey Bailey has defeated incumbent Tom Bain to become...
Chris Holt has conceded the mayor's race in Windsor and Mayor Drew Dilkens has won re-election. ...
There is a new mayor in the Town of Kingsville. Dennis Rogers has been elected Mayor with 3,182...
There is a new mayor in the Town of Amherstburg. Michael Prue has been elected with 3,488 votes or...
Windsorites and election candidates gathered at the Fogolar Monday night to watch election results come in. ...
In LaSalle, both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor seats have been acclaimed, meaning they have won their re-election...
Results are in for the municipal election in Tecumseh. Gary McNamara has been acclaimed for another term as Mayor...