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Congratulations to Cassandra Capacchione!

Contest Rules

Wouldn’t it be great to share how amazing Windsor-Essex is by sending beautiful postcards to your friends and families featuring a picture that you took or an image that you created?

Well, windsoriteDOTca, in partnership with the City of Windsor and the 2013 International Children’s Games Windsor-Essex, is launching the Create A Postcard For Windsor-Essex contest and we want your best photo/graphic/artistic renderings to represent the region!

What We Would Like To See

We’re looking for your best and most creative images of Windsor-Essex to make the region shine and make us all proud to be part of this great community.

Here are some ideas:

  • Local landmarks such as Jackson Park, Willistead Manor, the Windsor Sculpture Park, etc
  • Tourist and historical destinations like Windsor’s Riverfront, Fort Malden, 1812 history sites, etc.
  • Local festivals, events, fireworks, etc.

The Contest

Submission Guidelines:

  • Image submitted to the Create A Postcard For Windsor-Essex contest must be an original image created/taken by you.
  • Image must be in high-quality, high-resolution digital format (at least 2000 pixels wide, JPG, PNG, PDF format).
  • Images submitted containing text or watermarks will not be accepted
  • Only one entry per person (you are required to provide your full name, address, email address and phone number and we’ll contact you by email or phone to let you know if you’ve won).
  • You must be 18 years of age to enter this contest, or must be able to provide proof of parental consent.
  • Entries must be submitted by July 6th 2013 Saturday July 13th at 11:59pm.
  • While credit will be given to winners on materials related to the contest, by submitting your image you agree to allow the City of Windsor, windsoriteDOTca, The County of Essex and the International Children’s Games Windsor-Essex to freely use it in any future publications or formats without credit.
  • If your photo/graphic/artistic rendering includes identifiable people, we must be able to get in touch with them afterwards to get permission to use it. Be sure you can identify anyone in the photo/graphic/artistic rendering you submit.  The contact information of identifiable people must be provided upon request if your photo/graphic/artistic rendering is a finalist.  If the consent of identifiable people is not obtained, the photo/graphic/artistic rendering will be disqualified.  Exception: people in crowds don’t have to be identified.
  • windsoriteDOTca reserves the right to refuse any photo/graphic/artistic rendering that does not meet the stated theme of this contest.

Choosing Finalists And The Winner:

  • An expert panel of local photography/artwork judges will select six finalists (we’ll be printing all six finalist images on postcards with the finalists’ names on the back) and we’ll announce the six finalists in late July, 2013
  • Then, voting for one grand prize winner will begin in late July.  Voting will take place on Facebook, within a special gallery on the ICGWE Facebook Page. If your photo/graphic/artistic rendering is one of the six finalists, you’ll be tasked with recruiting your friends to “Vote” for your image.
  • The number one image with the most “Votes” will win the grand prize of a Black & Slate 16GB Wi-Fi iPad Mini and a truly unique opportunity to showcase your talents and our region!
  • The six finalists (including the grand prize winner) will each receive 10 packs of postcards for their friends and families
  • Five runners up will each receive a $25 gift card to local restaurants!

Terms & Conditions

The prize must be claimed by September 24, 2013, no later than 4:00 p.m. In order to claim the prize, the winner must produce valid government-issued photo identification to an International Children’s Games Representative (“Representative”). The winner will also be required to sign a standard Release, including publicity release, confirming compliance with the Contest Rules and acceptance of the prize as awarded and releasing the Sponsors, Facebook Inc., and their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies, agents, respective directors, officers, employees, representatives, sponsors, successors and assigns from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, claims, costs, causes of action or injury whatsoever including, but not limited to personal injury, accident or death, property damage, disappointment or inconvenience arising from any act, omission or negligence whatsoever relating to the Contest or the receipt, ownership, possession or use of any prize. Entrants under the age of 18 will require parental consent and signature. Failure to claim the prize in accordance with the information set out above will result in the prize being forfeited.

Prizes must be accepted as awarded and are non-transferable.

All prize claim verification information is subject to verification and will be void if not obtained through legitimate channels, or if not original, or if illegible, altered, forged, defaced, mutilated or tampered with in any way, or if not obtained in accordance with these Contest Rules.

By participating in this Contest, an entrant grants to the Sponsors the right to use his/her name, mailing address including city of residence, telephone number, and e-mail address (“Personal Information”) without further permission or compensation for the purpose of administering the Contest including, but not limited to, contacting and announcing the winner and acknowledges that the Sponsors may disclose the Personal Information to third parties or service providers of the Sponsors in connection with the foregoing. By accepting a prize in this Contest, the winner grants to the Sponsors the right to use their Personal Information including any photographs, likeness or comments for publicity and promotional purposes relating to the Contest without compensation or further permission and acknowledges that the Sponsors may disclose the Personal Information to third parties or service providers of the Sponsors in connection with the foregoing.

By participating in this Contest, an entrant releases and holds harmless the Sponsors, Facebook Inc., and their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies, agents and their respective directors, officers, employees, representatives, sponsors, successors and assigns from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, claims, costs, causes of action or injury whatsoever including, but not limited to, personal injury, accident or death, property damage, disappointment or inconvenience arising from any act, omission or negligence whatsoever relating to the Contest or the receipt, ownership, possession or use of any prize.

By entering this Contest, entrants agree to be bound by the Contest Rules and decisions of the Sponsors, which decisions shall be final and binding in all matters related to the Contest. The Sponsors reserve the right to alter, modify, amend or cancel all or any portion of this Contest at any time for any reason without notice.

Employees, directors, or officers of the International Children’s Games or of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising or promotional agencies or prize suppliers are not eligible to participate in the Contest. Entrants must present valid government-issued photo identification upon request.

In the event that an ineligible person participates in the Contest and is chosen as the winner, this person will be disqualified from winning the prize and the prize will be forfeited and will not be drawn for again.

This Contest is subject to the laws of the Province of Ontario. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Contest Rules or the rights and obligations as between the entrant and the Sponsors in connection with the Contest shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario including procedural provisions without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction’s laws. All times stated are local Windsor, Ontario times and all values stated are in Canadian dollars.

The Sponsors are not responsible for lost, late, mutilated or illegible entries, nor for electronic transmission errors or delays resulting in omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, hardware, software, or telephone failures of any kind, lost or unavailable connections, fraud, incomplete, garbled, or delayed computer transmissions, whether caused by the Sponsors, users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of or submissions which may limit, restrict, or prevent a participant’s ability to participate in this Contest.

If this Contest is interfered with, or it is impracticable to conduct, or continue to conduct in whole or in part, as a result of fire, explosion, power failure, acts of God, civil commotion and/or labour unrest such as strikes, slow-downs, lock-outs, picketing or boycotts, the Sponsors and their respective parent companies and their respective officers, directors and employees shall be released from any and all responsibility and/or liability whatsoever arising from such interference or impracticability, and the Sponsors shall have the option, at their sole discretion, to cancel, extend or reschedule the Contest without liability.

In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of the Contest Rules and any disclosures or other statements contained in any Contest related materials including, but not limited to, any entry form or advertising collateral, the terms and conditions of these Contest Rules shall prevail. The Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Inc. By entering this contest, you understand that you are providing your information to Windsor-Essex International Children’s Games and not to Facebook Inc.