Partly CloudyNow
25 °C
77 °F
18 °C
64 °F
24 °C
75 °F
Chance Of ShowersSat
23 °C
73 °F

Local Events

Submit Your Event

Add your Event to Windsor & Essex County’s largest and most comprehensive Event Calendar: thousands of Windsorites use our calendar daily to find things to do in Windsor-Essex!

Your submission will appear on our Events Calendar after it is approved. Like most local calendars, it is necessary to submit your event well in advance. As we are a small, local company with many moving parts, your event could take up to two weeks before it is approved.

Please be sure your submission meets the follow criteria for best publicity:

  • Include a photo or image of your event’s poster.
  • Enter location info: include the venue’s name & address.
  • Let us know if your event is free, or how much it costs.

We do not approve certain events in order to keep the events guide accessible to everyone:

  • Events/classes that require advanced preregistration and do not permit walk-ins on the day of the event.
  • Events that take place outside of Windsor and Essex County.
Submit a Single Day Event
  • Use this form for events that start and end on the same day.
  • Your event will be approved within two weeks. Please ensure your events are submitted well in advance.
  • * denotes a required field.

Event Information:

Location Information:

Additional Information:

Submit a Multi Day Event
  • Use this form for events that span two days or more in a row.
  • Please specify the times for each day under Details below
  • Your event will be approved within two weeks. Please ensure your events are submitted well in advance.
  • * denotes a required field.

Event Information:

Location Information:

Additional Information:

Submit A Weekly Recurring Event
  • Use this form for events that repeat each week on a certain day (e.g. every Wednesday).
  • Please specify the times for each day under Details below.
  • Your event will be approved within two weeks. Please ensure your events are submitted well in advance.
  • * denotes a required field.

Event Information:

Location Information:

Additional Information: